Author Archives: Phil

Why I refuse Facebook apps access to my data

Some context… My real (as opposed to Facebook) friend James Graham posted something on my Wall on Facebook earlier today. All I could see was an intriguing snippet but in order to see more I would have had to allow … Continue reading

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Facebook automates suppression of freedom of speech?

A fascinating reflection by Chris Peterson on the on-off-on-off blocking by Facebook of “citizen activist” website over the past 48 hours. I think Chris probably has it right – there’s no need for conspiracy theories, one merely has to … Continue reading

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Utter irresponsibility from Facebook

Facebook does it again. And this time they’ll probably end up killing people*. Graham Clueley over at naked security blog has some excellent practical advice on how to switch off facial recognition in Facebook, which was rolled out enabled by … Continue reading

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Voices of Freedom?

I attended a thought-provoking debate last night: CIVIL LIBERTIES: UP IN SMOKE. Many thanks to all involved. Here are some of the thoughts it provoked in me – also posted as a comment on Facebook: I absolutely agree with Peter … Continue reading

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Hello world!

Here we go again. Last time I did this (blogging), I ended up coordinating a political campaign against ID cards and the database state for 6 years. I’ll upload the series of posts that led me to that when I … Continue reading

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