Category Archives: identity

Some memories of Caspar

“Bullshit!” came the shout behind me. Caspar wasn’t about to let the former Home Secretary who had reintroduced ID cards to the UK for the first time since WWII get away with claiming a ‘Damascene conversion’ on personal privacy, even … Continue reading

Posted in communications data, database state, ID cards, identity, medical confidentiality, medical records, Microsoft, NO2ID, privacy | Leave a comment

The Four Horsemen of our rights Apocalypse

Sam and I have been having a conversation, and this article (posted originally on was one of the results: The worst excesses of’s mandate to collect and exploit your medical records are coming back, and the scheme’s descendants … Continue reading

Posted in choice and consent, communications data, database state, GDS, ID cards, identity, medical confidentiality, medical records, National Pupil Database, neo-feudalism, NO2ID, privacy, transparency | Leave a comment

What is the digital equivalent of…?

…a gun? “What is the digital equivalent of…?” is a thought experiment I have been playing myself and with various other people since the early 90s. It asks about the nature of things in the new digital / information world … Continue reading

Posted in Facebook, Google, identity | Leave a comment