Category Archives: transparency

Text of speech given at Rowntree’s Governance Seminar on The Database State, 22 October 2008

I am posting this here, on 20/03/17, as I cannot find a copy elsewhere on the web. This is the text of a speech I gave while I was national coordinator of NO2ID at a CAOS (‘Combining All Our Strengths’) … Continue reading

Posted in choice and consent, database state, ID cards, identity, NO2ID, privacy, transparency | Leave a comment

The Four Horsemen of our rights Apocalypse

Sam and I have been having a conversation, and this article (posted originally on was one of the results: The worst excesses of’s mandate to collect and exploit your medical records are coming back, and the scheme’s descendants … Continue reading

Posted in choice and consent, communications data, database state, GDS, ID cards, identity, medical confidentiality, medical records, National Pupil Database, neo-feudalism, NO2ID, privacy, transparency | Leave a comment

Permanent Secretaries’ objectives, plus links

Published on 20th December 2012, the list of Permanent Secretaries’ objectives unfortunately omits to name the Department for which each person is Permanent Secretary. (Indicative of a Whitehall mindset where such knowledge is assumed, or of the extraordinary level of … Continue reading

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