Chest-sized billboard

Re-posted from archive of infinite ideas machine 2004:

Well, the last T-shirt seems to be working quite well – each time I have worn it out & about several people have asked me what NIR means. Interestingly, even the ones who started off pretty pro-ID cards were a lot less sure that they liked the idea, especially when they found out it would involve the Gov’t keeping a big database full of their (and their loved ones’) fingerprints, iris scans and photographs…

Anyhow, as it keeps on coming up, I thought that I’d have a go at countering the whole “If you’ve got nothing to hide, you’ve got nothing to fear” ‘argument’ with this:

If you're not on their list, YOU won't exist...

(Artwork available on request)

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Behind closed doors…

Re-posted from archive of infinite ideas machine 2004:

…or at least very expensive* ones to get through!

So Mr. Blunkett wouldn’t ‘face the music’ last week at the LSE [read Dr. Simon Moores’ review in Computer Weekly, via White Rose] but now expects his colleagues – and, by implication, us – to believe that he can overcome all the technical and financial objections to the ID cards / NIR scheme in a paid-entry briefing to the very people who stand to make the most money out of it:

Home Secretary David Blunkett, has told MPs his department has been working closely with the IT industry and is to offer a seminar quashing the technical and financial impact of the scheme “once and for all.”

The Home Office seminar is to be held with IT supplier, Intellect, and will take place at the Grange City Hotel, London on 24 May 2004. – ‘Coalition of the unwilling: ID cards branded a faulty idea’ on Contractor UK

*Today’s Intellect event ‘ID Cards: Next Steps‘ is sponsored by BT Syntegra, Sun Microsystems, Siemens Business Services Ltd & EDS and a ticket for a non-Intellect member would have set you back £464.13 – assuming members of the public could even have got one.

If Blunkett had these ‘conclusive’ arguments last week, then why could / did he (or a Home Office representative) not provide them to a PUBLIC meeting on the issues? If he didn’t have them, then where did he get them from over the past few days?

All we are getting from the Government at present are assertions, made-up (and increasingly shaky) statistics, laughable guesstimates and a demonstration of almost unprecedented arrogance in their unwillingness to even participate in an open debate with opponents of the scheme, or even members of the electorate who express genuine concerns.

ID cards almost brought down the Australian Government in 1987 – does New Labour want to follow Blunkett and Blair over the same cliff? We shall have to see…

N.B. there are some encouraging noises being made in certain quarters of the Conservative camp, but do not forget that in 1995 Michael Howard (then Home Secretary) announced Government plans to bring forward a Green Paper setting out the various options available for a national identity card scheme – despite the fact that as recently as 1990 the Tories had said: “the government is not persuaded that the case for a voluntary identity card scheme has been made out, in terms of benefits either to the individual or the state” (HC Deb vol 146 c1302). – Charter 88 ID cards archive.

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Dupe-checking and the mechanics of trust

Re-posted from archive of infinite ideas machine 2004:

Thanks to Irdial for clarifying the proposed use of a centralised database in his scheme, now christened ISLAND: “The centralized database of photographs held by the passport office is there only to do duplicate application checks.”

Setting aside the (not irrelevant) fact that I am specifically trying to counter the Home Office’s current ID card proposals – that they seem very reluctant to broadcast (e.g. correctly naming the Draft Bill!) would require the creation of a National Identity Register containing multiple biometric records for each of us – and ISLAND is tackling the UKPS biometric passport scheme, I agree that an/each issuing authority must have some way in which to check that multiple ID documents are not issued to the same person.

I further agree that such a database might be inoffensive, “…as long as no one other than the passport office has access to it and it is used for this single purpose of dupechecking.” In the case of ID cards and even the UKPS database (as Irdial later points out, regarding access by the Intelligence Services) this is unlikely to remain the case.

The problem is that the (inevitable) cost and creation of just one such database and its associated checking software seems to have provided irresistible temptation for the Government to contemplate and even start to legislate for feature creep on an unprecedented scale – i.e. allowing multiple agencies access to one big database (at least partially because it will spread the cost – now there’s Gov’t ‘efficiency savings’ for you, and it *only* comes at the price of compromising every citizen’s right to privacy!) and furthermore letting them do all sorts of different types of cross-checks – maybe even speculative trawls, in the case/cause of anti-terrorism, tackling serious (and not-so-serious?) crime and international intelligence – in an attempt to establish ‘once and for all’ a singular mechanism by which we can identify each other or, more precisely, by which ‘we’ can identify ourselves to ‘them’.

I agree fundamentally and absolutely with what Irdial says towards the end of his posting:

…Part of the reason it works well in the UK is that you have to have your application form and photographs signed by a current passport holder. This works very much like the PGP “web of trust” where you can sign the PGP key of someone you know so that you can vouch for the identity of someone when they present their public key to a third party.

In this way, if the initial seed population of passports are issued correctly, and the people are trustworthy, you can generate a large body of good passports because everyone swears that the persons that they are introducing to the British Passport are known to them. This sort of dis[tr]ibuted human trust is far better for people than centralized trust; it puts a high value on the British Passport, makes citizens take responsibility for the security of the system…

If we are going to rely on technology to establish or confirm identity then we need to marry it to existing human / social methods – which have stood us in good stead for centuries, if not millennia! – in order to maintain and build real trust within our globalised Information Society. For all sorts of reasons, the spread of Information & Communication Technologies included, the link between rights and responsibilities has been eroded. We must, if we are to have massive ICT systems permeating our lives, ensure that they are designed so as to persist and promote the best values and aspirations of our culture(s) and not use them as an excuse to give in to our worst fears and paranoias.

Just because something is easy to do – as large-scale ICT increasingly is, despite past incompetence and failures – or even if it seems immediately obvious, does not make that the best way to do it! Biometric duplicate-checking (to the extent that the software is capable, i.e. NEVER infallibly) may be able to prevent multiple ID documents being issued to the same person but it cannot, even in principle, prevent the wrong person being issued with an ID document in the name of / with details taken from a person who is not already on the system.

Maybe what we need to do is redesign, strengthen and extend/propagate the mechanisms by which we can vouch for each other (a la ‘PGP web of trust’) in such a way that the authorities can focus their attention – both positive (i.e. support & services for the most vulnerable & isolated) and negative (e.g. surveillance and capture of criminals) – on those individuals who we, the people, EQUALLY AS INDIVIDUALS identify as being difficult to trust.

N.B. there are obvious problems with this if we (attitudinally) or the authorities (institutionally) differentiate between the ‘trustability’ – i.e. ability to both trust and be trusted – of different, e.g. ethnic groups or communities of interest & circumstance, but I hope and believe that there may be enough commonality and interchange between people in all walks of life – at least at the level of individuals, especially those who advocate the rights of others – to overcome the mob thinking, media-induced hysteria and Gov’t / corporate FUD that currently seems to prevail.

Practically-speaking, therefore, it may be as important or effective (even necessary?) to come up with the design for an organisation that can provide and protect citizen identity as with a (demonstration of a) technological system for issuing ID documents. People form networks, too, and it is the rules that we agree in this (real) world that should determine / dictate the specification of technological rule-based systems not vice versa!

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Divergent thoughts

Re-posted from archive of infinite ideas machine 2004:

Great! Irdial Discs is all fired up and has now outlined a(nother) web-based ID card demo using PIC cards, GPG for encryption – BUT using some form of database with facial recognition matching.

You may note that my last link is to Identix’s ABIS™ system, “the industry’s first enterprise level [emphasis added] facial recognition matching platform, designed to solve the problem of large-scale facial image database search”. This is, quite evidently, a non-trivial issue…

For me, though, there’s a more fundamental problem with this proposal.

The system – not just the cards, although cards will be involved – that I want to demonstrate needs to challenge the whole notion of a centralised database, especially one that holds biometric records. A demonstration of the type described above is pretty much what the Government seems to be proposing, and would therefore fail (for my purposes) at the first hurdle! It is precisely the NIR that I, and others, consider to be the real problem – and probably the Home Office’s real agenda.

The devil is very much in the detail when you have to design and implement ‘secure’ technologies, but you have to get your principles & values sorted first – so I am going to stick closer to Irdial’s original (no central database) proposal in my own investigations. I hope I have explained myself clearly without giving any offense.

I’m still working on a PDF417 posting but, if folks want to read ahead, here’s a paper from 3M-AiT Ltd on Using 2D Barcodes to Enhance the Security of Machine-Readable Travel Documents [543 KB PDF file] that I shall be referring to.

I’m heading out now for beers, but will sign off with a passing thought:

Any society large enough to contain strangers has developed tokens (e.g. ID documents) that need to be authenticated, to stand in (i.e. substitute) for direct knowledge and trust – but it is still only people who are meaningfully being identified. So when, in law, the record replaces the individual as the foundation of identity we shall have enslaved ourselves to a system devoid of trust, in which assertions and appearances matter more than the reality of our relationships, our bodies and our freedom.

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Mistaken Identity, missing politicians

Re-posted from archive of infinite ideas machine 2004:

Well, that was interesting.

Yesterday’s Mistaken Identity public meeting at the LSE was notable in many respects, but one of the most glaring was the complete absence of any representative from the Government – despite repeated invitations to the Home Office and requests for even ‘just’ a back-bencher to attend!

[N.B. David Winnick (Labour MP) was there, but in his capacity as a member of the Home Affairs Committee – he’s an obvious ID cards sceptic but had to, not least because of his current role, demonstrate a degree of impartiality.]

The only inferences that can be made are that either the Government simply do not wish to engage in a full and proper debate – something they could possibly have spun later, if only they had sent someone to ‘take the flak’ yesterday – or that they know that they have “no singular, convincing argument” (David Cameron, Shadow Leader of the Commons) so cannot risk attending a public event where this is likely to be required by an informed audience.

Given the far-reaching implications of the proposed legislation, and to paraphrase Paul Whitehouse (former Chief Constable, Sussex Police) “the onus is on those who advocate it to prove – by evidence, not assertion – that it will be a good thing”. One of the key impressions I got from the afternoon was people’s frustration at how the Government keep shifting the goalposts and changing their arguments, something that makes challenging the proposals very difficult.

In security technologies and privacy legislation the devil is absolutely in the detail. Without a specific proposal, or even a clear functional specification, the Government should simply not be allowed to proceed.

Also, as Roger Smith (Director, JUSTICE) pointed out, many – if not most – of the MPs and Ministers who vote on this Bill will not be in power by the time it is fully implemented in 2012/13. This means that they cannot actually be held accountable for “changing the relation between citizen and state from servant to master” (David Cameron again, lightly paraphrased). In order to provide the appearance of being tough on crime, immigration and terrorism in time for the next General Election Blair, Blunkett et al. are willing to throw away rights that we have had for centuries and cost us (yes, us – its our money!) billions on measures that will (provably!) have little, if any, impact on the problems they are supposed to address.

There were many excellent speakers and other highlights of the afternoon, for me, included:

Simon Thomas, Plaid Cymru, pointing out the bleeding obvious (i.e. that tackling terrorism is not about identity, it’s about intelligence) and how the Scottish Parliament & Welsh Assembly will not, in any case, comply with ID cards – which, along with Northern & Southern Irish constitutional issues, will make ID cards at best an English scheme. He ended on the telling point that successful Government IT implementations have doubled in the past two years… to 34%!

Interestingly, Simon also said that he had been approached by a number of technology companies when he registered an interest in the ID cards issue – despite his negative stance on it! This, and Mark Oaten’s (Liberal Democrat Home Affairs spokesman) allusion to the fact that one of the Government’s current technology suppliers has just seconded an employee to the Home Office, confirms my concern that at least some of the ‘advice’ that Blunkett and others are taking is tainted. And that ‘corporate tech’ is attempting to muscle the UK into a smartcard future that it simply doesn’t need…

Lord (Andrew) Philips of Sudbury, Liberal Democrat peer, was particularly good – especially in his detailed grasp of the system, e.g. regarding the nonsensical restriction of the powers of the Interception of Communications Commissioner, and his realistic take on the task ahead in persuading the 80-ish% that ID cards backed by a National Identity Register are a BAD IDEA.

He referred specifically to tackling the all-too-common “If you’ve got nothing to hide, you’ve got nothing to fear” argument and, although he didn’t explicitly say the phrase, his comment “We’re on no-one’s list now” led me to think that “If you’re not on their list, you won’t exist” might imply/initiate a relevant counter-argument. [Wait for the T-shirt – I’m all for slogans!]

Karen Chouhan (Director, The 1990 Trust), Shami Chakrabarti (Director, Liberty) and Dr Iqbal Sacranie’s representative from the Muslim Council of Britain (Khaled Anees? I’m afraid I didn’t hear his introduction) made me consider how ID cards of any sort are likely to impact on black, Muslim and other ethnic communities. They, and other speakers, made the valid point that ID cards could, in fact, end up provoking terrorism. If I, a white middle-class male, am made angry by the proposals how much more so will be a person who has to endure ID card-related stop and search, or NIR-derived ‘surveillance’? Even top Tories and the former Police Constable were talking in terms of ID cards creating civil disobedience…

Shami Chakrabarti’s speech had the highest concentration of soundbites; “presumed guilty until proved innocent”, “the Home Secretary is looking for a police state without the police”, “license to live” and also made a number of telling points – e.g. that Home Affairs policy and agendas are dangerously populist and could leave us in constitutional ‘poverty’, with untold social costs – never mind the financial. She pointed out that no other Common Law country will even countenance ID cards, and that even George W. Bush has been heard to say since 9/11 that they are counter to American civil liberties. She ended with, “we are too casual with our rights to personal privacy” – a statement with which I wholeheartedly agree.

Tony Bunyan (Editor, Statewatch) spoke knowledgeably on the EU perspective and pointed out something that I think needs to be highlighted in the campaign against – that the impact of ID cards on the individual is most likely to be felt when they have to go to an enrollment centre. Not just for ID cards, of course, but for their Passport – now every 5 years, simply because the company supplying the smartcards will only guarantee the chips for 5 years’ use! Hmmm, someone just doubled their profits – and Driving License – which was supposed to last you until you were 70.

If you are arguing against ID cards, I believe you have to make it personal – make people think how much this is actually going to cost them in money and time, and blow the notion that this is a voluntary scheme out of the water. Having to have an ID card in order to get a Passport or Driving License – there is no provision for otherwise in the Bill – is nothing more than backdoor compulsion. How else does Blunkett propose/expect to get his 80% uptake?

Paul Whitehouse (ex-Sussex Police, see above) made the excellent point that putting technology into the field can disable the police’s ability to act in the moment – if the connection or device fails – and that it tends, over time, to erode the intelligence, observation skills and initiative of individual officers. Passing the ID card test will never – and shouldn’t ever! – mean you are above suspicion, but some may treat it that way and therefore be able to commit atrocities like the Madrid bombing whilst waving their IDs gaily in the face of the authorities, AND BEING WAVED ON.

Peter Williamson (President, The Law Society) spoke eloquently on behalf of the 116,000 solicitors in England and Wales, many of whom oppose the Bill – despite the fact that some of them stand to make a significant amount of money out of litigation when people sue the Gov’t for screwing up their identity. This will happen (it already has in the US with one of the UKPS trial’s technology partners!) and will add massively to the true and ultimate cost of the scheme.

Most of the politicans, including David Davis (Shadow Home Secretary), asked if the £3+ billion could be spent better elsewhere – and were quick to point out that the Home Office figures are only what it will cost the Home Office, not the other authorities and organisations who will at least have to buy scanners & upgrade their infrastructure – or employers & employees who will lose (cumulative) millions of days of work to enrollment, representing £100s of millions+ off the GNP…

Ross Anderson (Cambridge University Computer Laboratory & FIPR) spoke briefly – time was running short – but very much to the point:

“ID cards will inflict great inconvenience on our citizens, without quite inconveniencing the criminals.”

And I have to end with the comment of Jonathan Bamford (Assistant Information Commisioner) that the actual name of the Bill is incorrect: this is not a Draft Identity Cards Bill, it is a ‘Draft ID Cards underpinned by a central register (National Identity Register) and central registry number Bill’. Bit of a mouthful, but more accurate – and less saleable to the British public.

Think, people, think…

Many thanks to Simon Davies (LSE & Privacy International) for assorted ringleading duties – and all the rest who hosted, supported and attended the event. Now, let’s get down to business!

[N.B. I’ve added the no2id campaign site to my links, go have a look.]

UPDATED 21/5/04: If you want some proper journalists’ takes on the meeting, try the BBC or Also, Peter Williamson’s (President of The Law Society) address [29 KB PDF file] is now available on the Privacy International site, and is well worth a read.

UPDATED 24/5/04: For those who couldn’t make the event, Stand’s page on the Mistaken Identity meeting now contains audio files of all the speakers in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis formats.

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